The four-part documentary College Behind Bars is an intimate look at the lives and experiences of a dozen BPI students and their families that confronts and challenges conventional wisdom about the purpose of both education and incarceration.
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Since the film aired in 2019…
Explore how BPI has changed and hear from alumni featured in the film
“Education itself is what liberated me…it helped me understand my place in the world and activated me as a civically minded person.”
Dyjuan Tatro ’18
The BPI student body has expanded:
“Experiences like this made me want to fight harder, to study harder…so that I can make a dent—as just one person—in this thing we call the criminal justice system.”
Sebastian Yoon ’17
The BPI alumni community is growing:
“Now that I’ve been home for a few years, I appreciate even more what it means to be a Bard alum.”
Shawnta Montgomery ’17
The number of degrees conferred is rising:
Support BPI
At BPI, we are committed to investing in people, reinventing institutions, and making genuine education more accessible. Your support helps make this possible. Your donation will help BPI continue the groundbreaking work to redefine college access in America and to address the harms of mass incarceration. Become a BPI supporter today and join a distinguished and passionate community that believes in the power of education.
College Behind Bars is directed and produced by Lynn Novick; produced by Sarah Botstein; edited by Tricia Reidy ACE; produced by Salimah El-Amin and Mariah Doran; with original music by Jongnic Bontemps; and with cinematography by Buddy Squires ASC and Nadia Hallgren. Ken Burns is executive producer. College Behind Bars is a production of Skiff Mountain Films, in association with Florentine Films and WETA-TV.
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Skiff Mountain Films