Bard Prison Initiative understands that you may have questions about the information you provide on this website and your use of this website.

Our Collection and Use of Information About You

Our Use of “Cookies” and “Action Tags”

We use cookies to improve website performance, to remember user preferences and settings, and to collect analytic data. By “cookies” we mean small text files placed on to your computer by websites you visit. We may also use “action tags.” When you access pages with action tags, a generic notice of that page visit is generated. This may be used to allow third-parties to set cookies in order to present advertising on other sites based on your behavior on our site. However, we do not use cookies or action tags to collect or transfer personal information. If you have concerns about the use of these methods you should adjust your browser settings to restrict or block cookies.

Website Performance
Website performance cookies allow us to make the website easier and more informative. For example, they may enable us to save you time when filling out a form by populating it with information you provided in previous visits.

We use Google Analytics to track usage statistics to give us a better understanding of how people engage with our website, such as:

  • How many individual visitors we have
  • How many visitors are new or returning
  • How often visitors come to the website
  • What content they’ve visited
  • How visitors interact with particular pages or content

These features do not use personally identifiable information but do collect information about your computer. This tool can also be used by other websites to present advertising that may be of interest to you based on your behavior on our site. If you do not wish to participate, you can use Google’s opt out link. You may also be interested in the National Advertising Institute’s opt out tool.

How Certain Content Hosts May Place Cookies and Gather Information About You

Our site is connected in a variety of ways to content residing on other platforms. We provide links to content on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and to content on other sites, such as articles posted on the sites of news organizations.  Our site also features embedded media, such as videos, that are hosted on other platforms (such as YouTube) but viewable directly through the buttons we provide. When you click on links or buttons for any of these types of external content, the providers of that content may place their own cookies on your computer, access existing cookies that were set when you previously visited other websites, or otherwise gather information about you as you access their content.

To learn about how those content hosts treat the data they collect through cookies and otherwise, see their respective online privacy policies and other posted guidance. Bard Prison Initiative will never share or sell any personal information or data to any third parties for promotional purposes.

Email Subscription Opt-Out

The site provides you with the opportunity to sign up for our email list, and we may collect data by using a URL that enables us to identify that you have taken an action, such as clicking a link in an email. In all email communications that you receive from this site, except for confirmation emails for event registrations and/or donations, you will be provided an unsubscribe option. You can also modify the emails that you receive at any time by going to your account profile and changing your opt-in status there. Our electronic communications are powered by Constant Contact.

Links On This Website To Third Party Sites

In some places on the Bard Prison Initiative website users may find links to third party websites. These links will take you away from our site. Users who open those links should be aware of the privacy policies of those sites as Bard Prison Initiative cannot control use of user information shared directly with third parties. We encourage you to become familiar with the privacy statements of all sites that you visit.

Updates to This Privacy Policy

This site has the right to make changes or additions to this policy at any time. If those changes involve using your personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time you joined, the site will notify you by email. Changes that do not affect use of personally identifiable information will be posted to the site. If you have questions regarding this policy, please check this policy periodically.


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