The film The Murder of Fred Hampton (1971), directed by Howard Alk, documents the assassination of the Black Panther leader Fred Hampton at the hands of the Chicago Police Department in 1969. Part documentary of the Chicago Black Panther Party, part investigation into Hampton’s untimely murder, the film offers a rare historical portrait of the struggle for Black liberation.

Event flyer featuring images of Fred Hampton and Bobby Rush

The Brooklyn Public Library, Bard Prison Initiative, and Bard Microcollege will be hosting a screening of The Murder of Fred Hampton followed by a conversation with former Illinois Panther Chairman and 30 year congressman Bobby Rush on the legacy of the Panther Party, the politics of Mass Incarceration, and his experience teaching for the Bard Prison Initiative (BPI). Moderated by BPI Associate Dean Delia Mellis. Prior to his 30 years in Congress, Rush was a leader of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party when Fred Hampton was murdered. He is now a Distinguished Fellow at BPI. Max Kenner, BPI founder and Executive Director, will give an introduction to the film.

There will be a reception for this event at 5:30pm, followed by the film screening at 6:00pm, on Wednesday, December 6th at Central Library.

Presented by the Brooklyn Public Library and the Bard Prison Initiative.