Decorative graphic of the globe

The Bard Prison Initiative, in partnership with Incarceration Nations Network, is pleased to invite you to the 2023-2024 BPI Global Initiatives Virtual Lecture Series.

This lecture series is designed to foster connectivity and conversation for an international community of practitioners in different higher education contexts in prisons and carceral spaces around the world. In monthly virtual sessions, practitioners from across BPI’s Global Community of Practice will introduce us to their unique local experiences building educational opportunities for incarcerated people. The sessions will be an hour long.

Join us for the next lecture, “Justice Defenders & Legal Services in Kenya” led by Matteo Cassini and Morris Kaberia on April 19th at 2pm Eastern.

Decorative graphic featuring Matteo Cassini and Morris Kaberia headshots

Click here to register for the Zoom.

Please find our complete schedule below. All sessions will take place at 2pm Eastern, unless otherwise noted:

October 27th, 2023: “Free Your Mind: An Introduction to Ubuntu Learning Common”

With grantees Caitlin Jardim, Project Lead and Kofi Danso, Reintegration Leader; Ubuntu Learning Common; Stellenbosch University, South Africa

November 17th, 2023: “Launching College-In-Prison Programs in Politically Resistant Environments: Reflections from UMPP’s Pilot Year”

With grantee Shannell Bailey, Project Lead; UWI Mona Prison Project, Jamaica

December 15th: “Studying In Prison Outside Prison: The Experience of Social Cooperation at the University of Milan”

With grantee Elena Landone, Associate Professor; University of Milan, Italy

January 12th, 2024: “Launching Brazil’s First In-Person University Program in Prison”

With grantee Karina Biondi, Adjunct Professor; State University of Maranhão, Brazil; and Baz Dreisinger, BPI Senior Advisor for Global Initiatives

February 16th, 2024: “Unlocking Learning: International Perspectives on Education in Prison”

With grantee Mneesha Gellman, Associate Professor; Emerson Prison Initiative and Justin McDevitt; Consortium of the Liberal Arts partner & Director of Women’s College Partnership, United States

March 15th, 2024 at 4pm Eastern: “Build The World You Want: Examining & Ending the Disproportionate Rate of Aboriginal Australians Incarcerated”

With BPI Summer Residency Cohort ’23 member Adelle Sefton-Rowston, Head of Humanities; Charles Darwin University, Australia

April 19th, 2024: “Introduction to The Crito Project & College-in-Prison in the United Kingdom”

With BPI Summer Residency Cohort ’21 member Ben Walker, Course Director; The Crito Project, United Kingdom

May 17th, 2024: “Justice Defenders & Legal Services in Kenya”

With Global Community of Practice member Matteo Cassini, Director of Growth, and Morris Kaberia, Legal Officer; Justice Defenders, Kenya

June 14th, 2024: “Reentry in Argentina”

With BPI Global Research Fellow ’23 Ramiro Gual; Argentina