The Bard Prison Initiative, in partnership with the Open Society University Network and Incarceration Nations Network, is pleased to invite you to the BPI Global Initiatives Virtual Lecture Series.
This lecture series is designed for a global community of practitioners in different higher education contexts in prisons and carceral spaces around the world. In ten virtual monthly sessions, different scholars will introduce us to several alternative experiences in prisons. The sessions will be an hour and a half long, and each session will end with Q&A. English-Spanish simultaneous interpretation will be available in all the sessions.
Please find our complete schedule below:
September 13th: “Puzzle of Prison Order: Why Life Behind Bars Varies Around the World”
Professor David Skarbek, Brown University & Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: USA
October 18th: “Prisoners involvement and power relationships in Latin American Prisons”
Profesor Máximo Sozzo, Universidad Nacional del Litoral: Argentina
November 22nd: “Rethinking Order and Prison Governance in India”
Professor Mahuya Bandyopadhyay, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Delhi: India
December 13th: “Participatory co-governance in English prisons”
Professor Bethany Schmidt, Assistant Professor in Penology, University of Cambridge: U.K
January 10th: “Self-Governing Prison Communities: Radical Alternatives to Punitive Detention.”
Professor Sacha Darke, Westminster University: U.K
February 15th: “The work of Grupo de Prisiones for the defense of prisoners’ rights”
Professor Manuel Iturralde, Facultad de Derecho- Universidad de Los Andes: Colombia
March 14th: “Co-governance, feminism and decoloniality: delegade women role in Santa Mónica Prison.”
Professor Lucia Bracco, Grupo de Investigación de Psicología Forense y Penitenciaria de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú: Peru
April 11th: “Prisons in the global south: conceptual and methodological dilemmas.”
Professor Andrew Jefferson and Professor Tomas Max Martin, DIGNITY: Denmark
Andrew M. Jefferson. Tomas Max Martin
May 9th: “Monitoring the safeguard of inmates’ rights: the role of a watchdog organization in the Italian context.”
Professor Daniela Ronco, Antigone & University of Torino: Italy
June 13th: “Counterveillance and Cultures of Transparency: Rethinking How We ‘See In’ to Prison.”