BPI is pleased to announce that through support from the Open Society University Network (OSUN) and in partnership with Incarceration Nations Network (INN), we have funded an International Congress on Higher Education in Prisons that will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina this spring. The convening is hosted and organized by the San Martín University Center (CUSAM) – the university-in-prison program of the National University of San Martín in Argentina.

The convening will take place from April 26th to April 28th, 2023. It will feature workshops, debates, artistic performances, and cultural exhibitions that will bring together college-in-prison practitioners from across Latin America and the rest of the world, who will explore themes on developing university programs within prisons.

All workshops, discussions, and performances are designed to be aligned with one or more of the central themes and core values of the National University Network of Education in Confinement Contexts:

Education as a Human Right,

Social Inclusion,

Art in Prison,

Pedagogical Tools and Interventions,

Job Training and Popular Economies,

Research in Prison,

Territory and Community,

How do university programs transform prisons?

To what extent does the experience change the university itself?

The convening will cultivate creative time and space for college-in-prison practitioners and alumni  from across BPI’s Global Community of Practice with participants joining from across Argentina and Latin America and from the United States, South Africa, Jamaica, the UK, and Central European University to share their experiences and examine the transformative encounters between universities and prisons.

The activities will take place on the central campus of the university, in the university center  in prison, and in a community library opened by former students who have completed their studies in CUSAM’s program in prison.