We are proud to announce Josefina Salomón as the next BPI Global Research Fellow for 2024.

Josefina is an Argentine-British journalist, editor and researcher. Over the last two decades, she has lived and traveled extensively across Latin America documenting human rights, organized crime, and security issues for organizations including Amnesty International, InSight Crime, the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime and the Washington Office on Latin America, among others. She has also reported from the region for media outlets including The Guardian, Al-Jazeera, BBC, Vice, Newsweek en Español and La Nación.

More recently, she co-founded In.Visibles, a digital platform amplifying the stories of people caught up between violence at the hands of criminal organizations and government policies that criminalize them. She lives between her native Buenos Aires, Melbourne, and London.

In her role as the 2024 BPI Global Research Fellow, Josefina will spend her fellowship writing and publishing about budding and existing higher education initiatives in prisons across Latin America and elsewhere around the world.

Learn more about BPI’s inaugural Global Research Fellow, Ramiro Gual, a Ph.D. candidate at National University of Litoral in Argentina here. Ramiro used his fellowship with BPI to write and publish several academic articles and a book-length manuscript including  “In-prison University Programs in Argentina: Building Citizenship”  in the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (2023.)

Check here for more on BPI’s Global Initiatives work in partnership with Incarceration Nations Network and here to learn about the ongoing Global Virtual Lecture Series.