Eirik Steinhoff
Eirik Steinhoff has worked at The Evergreen State College in Olympia WA since 2013, where he teaches and co-teaches interdisciplinary programs and courses with titles like “How to Do Things with Words,” “Imperialisms,” “Forensics,” “Literary Arts Toolkit,” “Words/Woods,” “Gateways for Incarcerated Youth,” and “Reimagining Community Safety.” He has also taught Shakespeare, critical theory, poetry, and poetics at the University of Chicago (where he received his PhD in English), Bard College (where he got his BA), and Mills College. In the early 2000s, he edited Chicago Review, and in the early 2010s, he curated a pamphlet series called A Fiery Flying Roule (available in book form from Station Hill/Publication Studio-Hudson). In 2010, he taught at Green Haven Correctional Facility in NY under the auspices of the Bard Prison Initiative, and in 2014, he co-facilitated a weeklong reading and writing seminar with faculty at Al-Quds University in Palestine. Since 2015, he has worked with incarcerated teachers and students at Clallam Bay Corrections Center, Stafford Creek Corrections Center, and Washington Correction Center in Washington state.