Caitlin Jardim
Caitlin Jardim is the General Administrator for the Ubuntu Learning Community, a prison-university education initiative based at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. She has been involved with ULC since before it even had a name and has assisted the Academic Director, Dr. Mary Nel, with its development and implementation since 2018. In 2019, Jardim graduated with ULC in the first-ever prison-university ULC short course. Whilst she believes prison education is fundamental in carceral spaces, she also advocates for alternative forms of criminal justice and is passionate about creating better conditions for those who are affected by the realities of the criminal justice system/incarceration. She has worked as a Research Assistant for Incarceration Nations Network and has tried to be as involved as possible with many other initiatives, both local and global, that are actively working on improving the lives of those incarcerated and when they return home.