2022 Cohort

Shanell Bailey
Project Manager and Program Lead, University of West Indies — Mona, Prison-to-College Pipeline Initiative
Shanell Bailey is a 2021 Fulbright Scholar to Jamaica and is following the development of prison university education programs on the island. Her research examines the impact of university…

Adam Bloom
Lead Tutor, Bard Microcollege for Just Community Leadership
Adam Bloom is currently the lead tutor at the Bard Microcollege for Just Community Leadership in Harlem, NYC. He is also a BPI alumnus, with an AA from Bard…

Reggie Bullock
Reggie Bullock is the Justice Education Ambassador with the Justice Education Initiative at the Claremont Colleges. A recent graduate of the Inside-Out BA degree pathway program at Pitzer College,…

Emma Chaput
Associate Professor of Biology Central Oregon Community College
Emma is an Associate Professor of Biology at Central Oregon Community College (COCC), with a discipline focus on infectious diseases and human physiology. Beyond classroom instruction, Emma works to…

Laura Ciolkowski
Senior Lecturer, University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Laura Ciolkowski is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst. She received her B.A. with honors in English and…

Ramiro Gual
BPI Global Research Fellow. PhD Candidate, University of Buenos Aires, Programa UBA XXII (University of Buenos Aires) Argentina
Ramiro Gual is the inaugural BPI Global Research Fellow and a professor and researcher with a focus on prisons and human rights in Argentina. He studied Law at University…

Jule Hall ’11
BPI Alumnus 2011
Jule Hall graduated from Bard College in 2011 with an undergraduate degree in German Studies. Since his release in 2015, Jule has worked in both the private and non-profit…

Sayra Havranek
Associate Director of Institutional Advancement & Engagement
Sayra Havranek is the Assistant Director of Institutional Advancement at the Bard Prison Initiative. A creative copywriter and development professional with a knack for decoding a brand’s DNA to…

Holly Honig
Policy Director for Empower Missouri
Holly is Policy Director for Empower Missouri where, through coalition-building and advocacy, she works to secure basic human needs and equal justice for every person in the state. This…

AbdulKariym Muhaymin IbnBrodie ’19
Learning Commons Lead Tutor, Bard at Brooklyn Public Library
AbdulKariym Muhaymin IbnBrodie is originally from North Carolina, was raised in Brooklyn, and is now living in Queens, New York. He joined the Bard Family at the Eastern New…

Demetrius James ’17
Program Director, Bard Microcollege for Just Community Leadership
Demetrius James is Program Director at the Bard Microcollege for Just Community Leadership in Harlem, and an actor, writer, and educator who was born and raised in the Bronx,…

Jen Jenkins
Policy Advocate, Legal Aid Society
Jen Jenkins is a Policy Advocate with the Legal Aid Society of Washington DC. Following their incarceration in Hawai’i, they decided they wanted to become an attorney and are…

James Kim ’21
Program Director, Bard Microcollege at the Brooklyn Public Library
Having previously worked as Lead Tutor and Student Recruitment Specialist and Program Coordinator, James is currently Program Director with the Bard Microcollege at the Brooklyn Public Library. After serving…

Flora Laszlo
Central European University, CEU Prison Initiative Director, Community Engagement Office
Project leader and sociologist, Flora Laszlo, participated in the development and management of RadioC, Roma Radio station in Budapest, Hungary in the early 2000s, which was followed by her…

Justin McDevitt
Director, Women’s College Partnership at the Indiana Women’s Prison with Notre Dame Programs for Education in Prison (NDPEP), University of Notre Dame, Indiana
Justin McDevitt is director of the Women’s College Partnership at the Indiana Women’s Prison that brings AA and BA degree opportunities to incarcerated women in Indiana through a cross-institutional…

Mary Nel
Founder, Ubuntu Learning Community, Senior lecturer: Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr. Mary Nel is a senior lecturer in Public Law at Stellenbosch University, Western Cape, South Africa, where she lectures Criminal Law to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She…

Caroline Parker
Presidential Fellow of Medical Anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Caroline M. Parker is a Presidential Fellow of Medical Anthropology at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester. Dr Parker’s work combines approaches in medical anthropology and carceral…

Andrea Y. Simpson
Associate Dean of Thriving, Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity & Associate Professor of Political Science University of Richmond, Virginia
Andrea Simpson is the Associate Dean of Thriving, Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity in the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Richmond. She is also an associate…

Sasha Smith
Graduate Student UMass Amherst, Massachusetts
Sasha Smith is a graduate student in the M.Ed/MPPA program at UMass Amherst, where she studies access and equity for ‘non-traditional’ college students. Her interests include increasing access to…

Tracy Westmoreland
Site Director, Yale Prison Education Initiative
Tracy Westmoreland is a long time resident of New Haven, CT and the current Site Director for the Yale Prison Education Initiative (YPEI). Currently, all his energy is being…