Admissions is now open for the Bard at Brooklyn Public Library Microcollege. Program Director Christopher Perez wrote this revised letter below encouraging interested future students to apply and explaining how the admissions process has been adjusted because of COVID-19. Check it out below and please share far and wide!

Good Afternoon,

We know a lot has changed very rapidly in the past few weeks, especially in New York City. Colleges and universities have moved to online classes to keep their students in school and learning. Bard at Brooklyn Public Library, the first New York City Microcollege, has done the same.

If you haven’t heard of us, we’re an educational innovation of the Bard Prison Initiative. We aim to expand the college model to community-based institutions, where students who have often been excluded from the university experience earn Bard Associate in Arts degrees by attending classes in-person at Brooklyn’s Central Library at Grand Army Plaza. The program is free of cost to students and it stresses small, seminar-style learning with great faculty. We pride ourselves on offering an individualized education that utilizes Central Library’s amazing space and resources.

In light of the ongoing response to COVID-19, we have converted our in-person admissions process to an online process. Applying to Bard at BPL happens over a Zoom video session on several dates throughout April. Applicants will be given three or four short passages to read and asked to write an open response to just one. Applicants must sign up for a session. Visit the Microcollege website for more information and to sign up.

As a community leader or potential applicant, I hope you share the news about our program and its admissions period with those who should avail themselves of this exciting opportunity. The work we do depends on the one-to-one interactions that make us a unique program, and we plan to maintain this quality about us throughout these times.

Christopher Rey Pérez,
Program Director
Bard Microcollege at Brooklyn Public Library
10 Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 230-2148

Learn More About Bard at Brooklyn Public Library: